Thursday, December 18, 2014

Overreach Blood of Patriots Book is now Available for Kindle and iPads

Finally, Overreach: Blood of Patriots is now available from the Apple store and on Kindle from Amazon. Thanks to everyone who has already purchased a book from Amazon, may I ask another favor? Would you please consider leaving a review on Amazon? Reviews are critical at this stage of marketing; any consideration will be greatly appreciated.

One reader wrote, “JD Ludwig has written one of those old-fashioned, good guy verses bad guy stories that make you just want to stand up for something important. It’s a literary cross between Seven Days in May and Atlas Shrugged, a novel that some will call “reactionary”, some will call “fanatical”, and some will call “patriotic.” I call it, “a damn good story”. It’s full of humor, and details about how the US military and the US Government works. It is full of fun, interesting, inspiring and despicable characters. It is full of… well, life and honor, and standing up for what matters. Okay, I’ll sit down now, but read the book! Before a drone visits your neighborhood…”

If you haven’t bought the book yet, waiting for the kindle or iPad version, I hope you’ll consider giving Overreach a read. We will launch the marketing and PR campaign on January 16th so we need all the sales and reviews we can get before then.

While I can’t know who has bought a book, I can see who leaves reviews. As a small token of my appreciation for your support, I would like to send everyone who leaves a review before January 16th an autographed advance copy of the next book in this series, Overreach- Blood of Tyrants, due out this summer.

Thanks again for all your encouragement and support, it has been a very exciting time and I’m delighted to share the journey with you. 
The Amazon Link is, if you know more about this book or writer please visit the official website of JD Ludwig:

Monday, November 10, 2014

Elected Officials Failed Performance Review

To: All Elected Officials
From: Your Employer, U.S. Citizen
Date: October 21, 2014

Re: Performance Review and Employee Counseling Statement

As your employer, the U.S. Citizens submit this counseling statement to all individuals seeking election. Overall, employee performance the past decade has been dissatisfactory and requires immediate improvement. This counseling statement will be added to your permanent file and should be consulted frequently if you wish to keep your job. All new applicants should heed these performance requirements.

We have listed nine areas that need immediate improvement and suggest you review the same prior to November 4th, 2014. Your public acknowledgement of deficiencies in job performance is necessary to determine your future employment. Failure to acknowledge this counseling statement may result in your immediate replacement.

Remember why we hired you: You campaigned hard for the position and spent a fortune. We hired you because we believed you were sincere about working to meet the needs of our country, not so you could become rich and famous. Be sure your advertisements include your achievements, we are not interested in how methodically you can tear apart your opponent.

Work Hard: Based on our observations, the country and parts of the world are a real mess. We expect you to focus on solving the country’s challenges, not focusing on partisanship, parties, and perks.

Work within the Confines of the U.S. Constitution: The Constitution is not some outdated document to ignore when you wish to advance your agenda. It is the foundation of the Rule of Law in our great land. You took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. We expect you to honor that oath!

Work well with each other: We are sick and tired of the bullying and partisan behavior in Washington. There is much work to be done. We require you to speak civilly with one another. Displaying smirks, sneers or showboating for personal gain or “name recognition” is not helpful and is beneath the dignity of your office. We don’t tolerate this type of behavior with our children and we will not tolerate this behavior from our employees. Find ways to seek consensus on the big issues, and listen twice as much as you speak

Spend more time working and less time trying to get re-elected: We understand that some election cycles occur every two years. Be advised we are sympathetic to your fears of losing your position. We suggest you replace the motto “you can never stop complaining” with “you can never stop working.” Work hard and communicate well with us and at reelection time and we will gladly return you to office.

Communicate Honestly: There are times when you have not been honest and forthright, this is completely unacceptable! We expect you to speak the truth, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable. We are not a nation of liars. Communicate honestly with your constituency and we will honor you for it.
Obey the Law: When we hired you for your position, we did not grant you a license to misbehave or break the law. As your employers, we are compelled to obey the law, we expect you to do so as well. We expect you to follow the letter and the spirit of the law.

Admit you have an Addiction to Publicity: We recognize that it is very difficult to resist the temptations of fame and power. However, this addiction is simply not acceptable. Pride and arrogance are to be avoided at all times. We do want you to speak out when you have something meaningful to offer.

Do the Right thing: We believe if you start each day with a firm resolve to serve the people honest and to work to the best of your abilities, you will find your job is meaningful and tremendously rewarding. We acknowledge there is strong peer pressure and outright threats to pursue someone else’s agenda. If you resist and do the right thing for America, then we will back you up. We respect backbone and integrity. Remember, if everyone stays quiet when great problems arise, small problems can grow quickly and threaten the very well being of our citizens and our great country.

If you take this counseling statement to heart and commit to following these guidelines we will eagerly support you. If you choose to ignore this warning, we will give another worthy candidate the opportunity to do better in 2014.

While we hope to work with you for many years to come we must be abundantly clear that your job performance has been unacceptable. As such, we require you make a clear public commitment to these basic job requirements or we will have no choice but to replace you, either now or at your next job review in 2016.

Like and share if you agree that all elected officials should publicly acknowledge their shortcomings and pledge to follow these basic guidelines going forward.

CLICK HERE  TO PREVIEW J.D. Ludwigs hot new Political Thriller Overreach: Blood of Patriots
JD Ludwig Overreach Blood of Patriots
JD Ludwig: Overreach Blood of Patriots

Monday, November 3, 2014

12 Rules You Have to Know this All and What You Think About this Rules

It's hard nowadays to read or watch the news without becoming discouraged or angry. It seems at times like our government is out to wreck our country. For several years we've been hearing about how the president and his surrogates have been operating under a plan designed by Saul Alinsky - a well known community activist from Chicago who died in 1972. I decided to read up a little about Mr. Alinsky and confess that a lot of what seems to be happening seems right out of his playbook. I've copied his 12 Rules below. Let me know what you think: 
Check JD Ludwig Great Political Thriller Based Novel Overreach: Blood of Patriots
JD Ludwig
JD Ludwig

RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

• RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

• RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

• RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

• RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

• RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

• RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

• RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

• RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

• RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

• RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

• RULE 12: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Research and Writing History of Overreach Series

Overreach Series

Life's been busy and I've been working on the next book in the Overreach series. I lost two people who were very dear to me this summer and it was like a kick in the gut. 

On an awesomely happy note, Sally and I welcomed our first two grand children to the world during the same time.

Carly was born in May and Luke was born in June... Both Mom's, Jackie Michelle and Jenny are doing well and the babies are "Of Course the most beautiful babies"...

Research for Blood of Tyrants has been troubling... things are getting even scarier than they were last summer, but once I sat down and started to write, things have progressed well. It's taking longer to write book two because I'm trying to make sure it's better than the first one. (At least that's my goal)

At this pace it looks like we'll be published before December, but time will tell, we might be able to get it out sooner.

Look for an exciting announcement soon and please remember to leave a review if you haven't already done so... it really makes a difference. For more information or buy my 1st Novel Overreach: Blood of Patriots visit Amazon link and to join me please follow my Facebook Fun Page

Author JD Ludwig
JD Ludwig and my Friends

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Is a Second Civil War in America Irresistible?

BY: JD Ludwig

Today, the United States have appeared more divided than at any time in its short history; not since the Civil War of the 1860’s have the divisions amongst Americans have been so profound and the threat so real.

In my novel “Overreach: Blood of Patriots, I explore an alternative future. What would happen if the divisions in our society continue to grow unchecked? What if a presidential administration  ignores the US Constitution and governs by fiat and Executive Privilege? In “Overreach” the President, Lawton Chalmers decides he doesn’t want to leave the White House at the end of his second term and sets into motion a chain of events that sees his political enemies charged with treason after a false flag terrorist attack that allows him to seize total control by declaring martial law. These actions propel the country into a full blown Civil War that gives America’s enemies the opportunity to cripple a divided US.
American Novelist JD Ludwig
JD Ludwig

Have we crossed the Rubicon and is it too late to close the divisions and build unity? Or is there still time to heal our divided nation? Most Americans-- the right, the left and those in the middle-- are suspicious of the government and its increased intrusion into day to day lives. The government is suspicious of the people and regularly--often without valid justification--intrudes into their privacy. Legitimate third party political groups, like the TEA Party, are slandered, marginalized and ridiculed by both main political parties and the media. Riots, looting, and protests by outraged citizens against the police are becoming almost nightly events, even before all the facts are known. Police departments across the country have become more militarized and reports of abuse are broadcast almost nightly.

Sadly, it appears that the US is destined to follow other great nations that have abandoned their population’s rich traditions and heritage to appease special interest groups. “Progressive” changes are made to promote a better society, while ignoring the effects on human behavior.  History is rife with examples of advanced societies being overtaken by more war-like people because they failed to appreciate the threat. “Political correctness” is demanded under the banner of tolerance for diversity. Tolerance for diversity within a nation is a noble goal. But far too often politicians play the race card or are too concerned with political correctness and demand the nation as a whole surrender liberty and justice for the special interest groups. Changes are made for those who protest loudest and demand everyone else change to accommodate their individual needs. 
Overreach: Blood of Patriots
Overreach: Blood of Patriots

The fact is, The United States is a divided nation; but it’s not too late!

There’s still time to step back and examine what has caused the divisions to grow so dramatically in the past few decades. The advent of the 24 hour news cycle is certainly one culprit in creating divisions. The internet, while a remarkable technology, has also accelerated divisions, not only in the US but around the globe. On one hand, the internet allows anyone with an opinion a soapbox from which to proclaim their beliefs and positions, which is a good thing; on the other hand, it also allows divisive individuals and groups a forum to broadcast messages and images of hate, death, and destruction.

The internet also allows agent provocateurs the opportunity to mount state or corporate PSYOPs to destabilize a political party or a nation. In my second book of the “Overreach Trilogy” I will describe some of the sophisticated PSYOP’s that are helping create division in the US. We can and must begin the process of healing our nation. Current events suggest we face many difficulties in the years ahead, difficulties that will require a united effort to endure and thrive.
This Article was 1st Published in Hubpages See the original post