Monday, March 16, 2015

Why Hillary’s Private Email is a BFD

Hillary Clinton Email BFD
Hillary Clinton
A week after the story of Hillary’s email scandal broke, we finally heard from the former Secretary of State. In her address, Hillary gave a prepared statement full of snarky and sarcastic comments, then took a few questions from some friendly sources in the media, and hoped to move on. After all my friends, “what difference does it make?” to quote Hillary after the Benghazi scandal.

Madam Secretary, I suggest it makes a big difference. For example, if you’ve lied and destroyed government documents to protect your political career, then our citizens have the right to know and our government has the obligation of investigating and prosecuting if there is sufficient evidence.

From what we've learned thus far, Hillary established a private server in her home prior to her confirmation as Secretary of State. It has been alleged that she did so to circumvent the common sense requirement for security of communications and to preserve emails (correspondence) pursuant to federal regulations.

Hillary admitted that looking back, she might do things differently. She explained that for convenience sake, she used her personal devices rather than have to carry and use two devices… The audacity…Most would agree that it’s more likely than not that Hillary planned on running for president in 2016 a few minutes after Barak Obama was elected in 2008. If she knew that sooner or later she would be running for the highest office in the land, one would think that she would have also decided then and there that she would lead an open and transparent life until it was her time to run.

Instead, it appears that Mrs. Clinton, regardless of what she or her surrogates might say, chose to violate several federal laws regarding retention of government documents, failing to secure secret documents and potential perjury. All I can think is that it must have been sheer unmitigated gall, to believe that she is so far above the law that she can do whatever she wants without consequences.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Hillary and her surrogates insist that she has done nothing wrong and suggest that this is more about being treated unfairly because she is a woman. Beware my friends; she is using the same tactic that President Obama and his surrogates have used so successfully over the past six years. In his case, any disagreement with his policies is really because of his race. Hillary’s manipulative tactic to avoid any criticism is to claim gender discrimination. Anyone who disagrees is guilty of being anti-woman.

It’s hard to see the facts through all the noise, but it appears that Hillary has broken several federal laws and even her friends have begun to sadly admit that this scandal isn’t likely to simply go away. I believe it’s time for an investigation by the Department of Justice.

There are rules and regulations governing how government employees, including Cabinet Secretaries must preserve records and documents, either paper or electronic. One can visit the National Archives site to read the regulations. Why not take a minute and read the preamble and description of the actual regulations regarding the preservation and control of government documents.

If one were to believe the Clinton Campaign, “Everything is OK; Mrs. Clinton has not broken any laws that could result in potential jail time like retired General David Petraeus. Unfortunately, that assertion is meaningless and disingenuous because Hillary controls all her electronic documents, not the government.

To be fair, Mrs. Clinton did offer up nearly 55,000 emails, this clearly proves she is cooperative and has nothing to hide… Well, at first glance, 55,000 may seem like a lot of emails but when one breaks down the numbers, the results raise more questions than answers.

For example, how many emails a day do you suppose you might receive, 25, 50, over 100, more? As for me, I usually receive well over a hundred emails a day, some days, when there’s increased activity or a problem that needs my attention, the number is well over 200 a day.

If one divides the 55,000 emails that Hillary has turned over from the approximately 1,460 days she served as Secretary of State, then it appears Secretary Clinton only received or sent an average of 37 emails a day. 37… can you believe it? To be fair, Hillary indicates she deleted about 35,000 emails so perhaps in total, she received and sent about sixty emails a day… Her assertions are unbelievable, that’s why we need an independent investigation, let’s take the politics out of the equation and investigate the facts.

The Secretary of State for the largest superpower in the world and she only receives 37 emails a day? Well, perhaps things were really slow during her term as Secretary of State, perhaps the IG report disclosing Billions of Dollars of expenditures without documentation or lost records didn’t generate many emails. The crisis’s and debacles of Benghazi, Libya, the Arab Spring, Yemen, Boco Haram, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, and ISIS suggest that there could have or perhaps should have been tens of thousands of emails on these topics alone.
As I watch this administration manipulate and at times desecrate our Constitution, and see how Mrs. Clinton has once again ignored the spirit if not the letter of the law, I almost want to pull the blanket over my head and simply stay in bed.

The truth is; we need to stand up and be counted. As citizens, it’s easy to feel hopeless, after all, what can one person do? I say to you my friend, that together we can do a lot, and we must.

The White House has created a website where citizens can sign a petition to the president. If one is successful in obtaining more than 100,000 electronic signatures, then the president will publicly comment on and possibly take action on the action proposed. I have created just such a petition at
If you, like me are fed up and frustrated with the way our elected officials have continued to act; then I propose you do a little homework and then cast your vote for the following petition;

We the undersigned respectfully ask the President of the United States to direct Attorney General designate Loretta Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to fully and independently investigate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for numerous violations of federal law during and after serving as Secretary of State.

By taking the extraordinary action to circumvent the US government email system that has more robust security protocols, it appears that Mrs. Clinton has violated numerous regulations regarding protecting and preserving government documents, secret or otherwise, and violating national security protocols.

A special prosecutor will help ensure there is no conflict of interest or undue political pressure.”
Will you take a few minutes, become familiar with the facts, and then if you agree that this scandal deserves an investigation, sign the petition?

Voting may not seem like a big deal… but it is! Together we can make our voices heard, we’ve had enough of the scandals out of Washington. Where there’s smoke, there’s generally fire, it’s time for the Department of Justice to investigate.

Your vote counts, if you agree, after voting please share this article with your friends.

JD Ludwig is the author of Overreach: Blood of Patriots and political commentator. (Link to My Facebook page) (My Website) ( Overreach a link to the Amazon page) (Please include the at the top with my picture). See the 1st published page.

Overreach Blood of Patriots by JD Ludwig
Overreach Blood of Patriots by JD Ludwig

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Best Political Thriller Base Book – JD Ludwig’s “Overreach Blood of Patriots”

Some Readers Shared with me that Overreach: Blood of Patriots is Really Scary because it’s so Plausible

One of my readers, Bill, an Air Force Veteran, shared a portion of Title 10 US Code that allows the president to use executive authority to suppress an insurrection, armed or otherwise.

It allows the president with the stroke of a pen to raise forces from any state or direct our own military to suppress an insurrection in another state.

Pay close attention to #333 below, especially the quote “any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection”

JD Ludwig's Overreach Blood of Patriots Book
JD Ludwig's Overreach Blood of Patriots Book

10 US Code

§331. Federal Aid for State Governments

Whenever there is an insurrections in any State against its government, the President may, upon the request of its legislature or of its governor if the legislature cannot be convened, call into Federal service such of the militia of the other States, in the number requested by that State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to suppress the insurrection.

§332. Use of Militia and Armed Forces to Enforce Federal Authority

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

§333. Interference with State and Federal law

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) So hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or

Immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) Opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws. In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

§334. Proclamation to Disperse

Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

So, this is pretty scary, yes? With a pen and a phone, peaceful protesters could be declared insurgents, by ignoring an order to disperse, the newly declared insurgents could then be subject to arrest, confinement or worse.

Remember to vote in 2014 regardless of party affiliation, voting is not only a right, it’s your responsibility.
Buy Now Overreach Blood of Patriots Book and know more details.